Financially savvy - women take control In days gone by, women were in the dark about their household finances. Money was something that men talked about in dark-paneled rooms, while the women minded the children in the yard. The men bought the cars, paid the bills, decided how much to spend on a house, and if and how much to save for the boys' college education. All that has changed. In more and more American households, it is the women sorting the mail as it comes in, separating the bills and ensuring they get paid on time via their online bill pay system. And when it's time to buy a car, women are buying 60% of all new cars and 53% of all used cars, according to a December 2009 poll by NBC Universal. Family impact Women also typically continue to make day-to-day purchasing decisions that have lasting impact on a family's finances, such as where to make grocery and clothing purchases, and whether to use club cards or clip coupons. In addition, many women have...