Financial Investing for Women, Intuitively

For most women, regardless of their culture, finance management is typically not their strongest suit. According to Long Island University - Women are less confident in their investing abilities than men. Only 55.7% of women feel confident about their investing abilities versus 64.4% of men.

Yes, even those with education behind them, money and investment is something women are not trained to handle. Traditionally it's been considered a man's domain perhaps because of defined gender roles where men were considered the providers in the family and hence managers of money/investing; while women the ones to take care of the home. Until a few years ago, it wasn't uncommon in many households that the wife did not really know where the husband was really investing.

Fast lane
But life and society is fast changing. Family structures are changing, divorce rates are rising, number of single women and single mothers is increasing and with the onslaught of last 2 recessions and such, more and more women are actually being put in position to bring home the bacon instead and be in-charge of the finances.
Also, we live longer, the security that used to come in jobs is fast declining and things are getting more expensive; the bottom line is, not only do we need more money but we need it to last longer, way longer than before.

So if you're a beginner and find yourself a little lost as to where to begin, no need to panic or get overwhelmed. Consider relying on your friend, a friend that is within you, that truly knows your best and can also look past and beyond things that are not very obvious. And it's called Intuition. That's right ladies, Intuition is a sense that is present in all of us and if practiced regularly can come in very handy in helping one navigate through the seemingly complex waters of finance and investing. It is the one thing that can actually provide you with the 'right' answer overlooking all the chatter that one may hear about what's going on in the economy or what is a good place to park your money and such.

So how can you make use of Intuition to make your wise personal money decisions?
There is so much information out there that sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed. And as a beginner, that's the one thing you do not need, as that will deter rather than encourage. So start simple, start small. Look at the different options that are available to you - Mutual funds, Bonds, Equity, Property and such. Obviously the amount of money, your age and your risk capability decides what the best place and strategy is for you. Feel free to ask people you trust if you find it hard to understand things on your own. Read magazines/newspapers just to keep yourself abreast of things. There's lots of information available out there that is free of charge and valuable.

Sense and feeling
As you start familiarizing yourself and start paying attention to your 'sense', allow it guide you in what direction to take - Whether you are considering what mutual fund to invest in or what stock to pick, rely on not just on your mental homework but also on your intuitive sense.
Let's say you are contemplating whether to buy shares of Company A or B. You have done all of your necessary homework and both look like good places to invest in. Now sit down quietly and bring your attention to the question - Is Company A better or B for investment purposes? Watch what answer comes forth, note it down. After 10 minutes or so, ask again? If you have a couple of days on your side, you can ask the same question again. Each time if your sense guides you in the same direction, that is the answer to follow.

Start small and as you become more practiced, you can start relying on it more and take your steps forward more confidently. Investing can be tricky and does require one to do his or her homework but using your 'sense' makes things that much more easy!
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